Measure Your Penis!
Just Past 8&Amp;Quot; (23M)
8 Inches
7.75 Inches (20Cm) Flaccid
Curved, Soft [7.5&Amp;Quot;] Vs. Hard [8.8&Amp;Quot; Bpel]
(19) A Little Over 7
Me Versus What My Wife Says Are Very Accurate Representations That She Found Online Of The Cock's Of Her Ex-Boyfriends.
Almost 9
Heavy Hangin' [8&Amp;Quot; Semi]
I Can't Complain. [&Amp;Amp;Gt;22Cm]
Me Measuring 8” Semi.
5” Exact, Used To Think I Needed To Be Bigger Before This Site. Thoughts/Opinions/Pms?
7Inches 6 Girth
7.5” X 6.0”
A Little Over 9
21.5Cm Bone Pressed (8.46&Amp;Quot;)
9.75 Inches...i Can Hit 10 With A Cock Ring. A Couple Bonus Pictures Of My Fuckbuddy Comparing It To Her Face And Arm Too!
9In Bone Pressed
Think I've Measured 8.5 Inches Correctly...hopefully!
Measured 9” Soft? (Okay 8.75” And Semi For The Sticklers)
A Bit Over 6&Amp;Quot; Soft
2.001 Inches Wide Vs. 2.042 Inches Wide
My Full Measurement (Bone Press) 8X5.8
[7.25&Amp;Quot;X5.5] Did I Measure With The Curve Right?
Pint Glass [8X7]
Too Many People Here Claiming 6+ Inches Girth With Giant Air Gaps Under The Measuring Tape. Here's 6.25 Girth With Tape Pulled Tight.
My Length And Girth Are The Same
Comin In Around 9.
19M With A 6,5 Inch Dick , What Do You Think. Very Difficult To Measure With One Hand And That Type Of Measuring Tape
15.7Cm/6'2 Inches Thick, Properly Measured.
2 Inch Head
20X17 Cm / 8&Amp;Quot;X6,5&Amp;Quot;
The 8+
Measuring My Cock Again!... Different Angle
This Angle Better?
Honest Measuring 8&Amp;Quot;
6.5&Amp;Quot; If I'm Lucky.
Did I Measure Correctly? 7.5X6.2
Bet You've Never Seen 8 Inch Nbp On A Semi
[M18] Comparing It To A Water Bottle. [7&Amp;Quot; Long, 5.25&Amp;Quot; Girth]
Almost 7.5 Bp But There's A Curve [7.375&Amp;Quot; X 5.375&Amp;Quot;]
Got Stod Up On A Date. Felt Extra Big And Hard So Just Had To Measure.
Monster Cock Breakdown: Is It Really &Amp;Quot;Monstrous&Amp;Quot;? (23 Cm/9 Inches X 16,4 Cm/6,45 Inches)
Measuring Myself - It's Tricky To Hold Cock, Ruler And Camera At Once!
Who Likes A Good Stretch?
Done Correctly? Thoughts?
27Yo Fat Cock [7.25Inx7.0In]
This Was Hard To Take [7.5In X 6In]
Proper Measurement ( 9&Amp;Quot; Bpl X 6.3&Amp;Quot; ) ?
Still Can't Find A Tape Measure. This Was A Bit Of A Squeeze But Should Give You An Idea Of My Size ;)
Old Pic, But Relevant.
Wrist-Thick Girth (16Cm+)
This Is What Happens To A Penis When You're Obese. This Took A Lot Of Courage.
[7&Amp;Quot;] Fully Erect
20 Cm On Half Mast
28 Yo Would You Say This Is 7.5? Girth Is 5.5
Almost 7&Amp;Quot; I Think, Hard To Hold Flat Against The Curve
Me And My Girldriend Wonder About My Size