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ConfusedBoners : I'm Not Sure If I Want Him, Or The Nutella ... Or Both.

I'm not sure if I want him, or the nutella ... or both.


I have the weirdest boner...


Melons Burst

Melons Burst

Never Go Inside A Strange Trainer's Pokeball.

Never Go Inside A Strange Trainer's Pokeball.

Wow! Potato Breasts For Tea!

Wow! Potato Breasts For Tea!

A Kite Isn't Supposed To Do That. (X-Post From /R/Funny)

A Kite Isn't Supposed To Do That. (X-Post From /R/Funny)

Slutty Nazis

Slutty Nazis

This Cake Going To Waste

This Cake Going To Waste

Suddenly, I Wanna Swallow Sand

Suddenly, I Wanna Swallow Sand

Fitting For This Time Of Year.

Fitting For This Time Of Year.

Some Say Nsfw. I Say It's A Carrot. You Decide...

Some Say Nsfw. I Say It's A Carrot. You Decide...



The Smirk Just Makes It Worse

The Smirk Just Makes It Worse

If It Were Anymore Confusing It Would Be Illegal To Share In Britain

If It Were Anymore Confusing It Would Be Illegal To Share In Britain