VintageBabes : Spread Eagle Rest
Spread eagle rest
Vintage Babes
Nude In The Grass Photographed By Zoltán Glass (1950)
Marlene Jobert, 1978
&Amp;Quot;Backstage At The Folies Bergère&Amp;Quot; Photographed By Brassaï (1931)
Quiet Contempt Photographed By Stephen Glass (C. 1940'S)
Anita Ekberg Photographed By Andre De Dienes (C. 1940'S)
Viparita Karani Photographed By Edwin Bower Hesser (C. 1930'S)
Delores Wells, 1960 (Album)
Model Posing For A Study In The Artists' Studio, Photographed By Alphonse Mucha C.1900
Seated Nude Photographed By John Everard (C.1930'S)
Vintage Hotty In Repose
Blonde In A Red Négligée, Around 1960
Marianne Dupont &Amp;Amp;Amp; Marisa Feldy