frenchmaid : No Time To Rest
No time to rest
When hiring the maid ends with a smile.
Busty Maid (X-Post /R/Slightlychubby)
Sometimes She Wondered Why She'd Given Up A Promising Career In Marketing To Become A Low Paid Maid, Fortunately Her Master Was A Psychologist Who Was Alaways On Hand To Explain
Enjoying Herself
I Want This Floor Spotless, If You Didn't Want To Clean It With A Toothbrush You Shouldn't Have Talked Out Of Place
Shes Blind Without Them
Service By The Pool
Just Keep Cleaning, Just Keep Cleaning What Do We Do? We Just Keep Cleaning
Got To Store Them Somewhere
Lunch Break
Lori Moe
Perfect Slave
Everything Seems To Be In Order But Your Apron Needs Ironing.