VintageSmut : La Clinique Des Fantasmes - 1978
La Clinique Des Fantasmes - 1978
Classic Erotica From Antiquity Thru The 1970s
Illustration For &Amp;Quot;Fanny Hill&Amp;Quot; By Édouard-Henri Avril (1907)
The Kissing Lesson From &Amp;Quot;Les Confidences De Chérubin&Amp;Quot; Illustrated By Chéri Hérouard (1939)
It's All Fun And Games Until Someone Gets A Monkey Boner In The Ear
Volunteers From The Audience By Erich Von Götha De La Rosière Aka Robin Ray (C. 1980)
He's Taking The Lead Illustration By Julie Delcourt (C. 1950'S)
A Roll In The Hay Illustrated By Maurice Duflou (C. 1923)
Cat Fight
La Rive Gauche By Gerda Wegener (C.1913)
Bosom Buddies Illustrated By Herric Aka Chéri Hérouard (C. 1932)
70'S Disco
The Harem Illustrated By Franz Von Bayros (C. 1912)
Sophie Musard