VintageSmut : Vintage Naked Lady Cards 3/3
Vintage Naked Lady Cards 3/3
Classic Erotica From Antiquity Thru The 1970s
Shunga Pov By Keisai Eisen (Japanese, 1820)
Colorful Illustration By Gerda Wegener (C.1913)
The Trapeze - From &Amp;Quot;La Mariage De Suzon&Amp;Quot; Illustarted By Léon Courbouleix (C. 1935)
&Amp;Quot;Balkan Horror&Amp;Quot; Illustrated By Gottfried Sieben (1909)
A Triad Of Tribads Illustration By Margit Gaál (C. 1934)
&Amp;Quot;The Raised Curtain&Amp;Quot; Introduction Page Illustrated By Louis Malteste (1923)
Illustration From &Amp;Quot;Memoirs Of A Russian Princess&Amp;Quot; (1890)
&Amp;Quot;Imprudence&Amp;Quot; Illustrated By Félicien Rops (C. 1878-81)
&Amp;Quot;Le Grand Couturier&Amp;Quot; Illustrated By Félicien Rops (C. 1878-81)
Nice Ride Home…
Peeping Surprise
&Amp;Quot;The Cully Flaug'd&Amp;Quot; Illustrated By Marcellus Laroon Ii (C. 1674-1703)