MaledomEmpire : Ladies And Gentlemen, My New Cunt Puppycunt!
Ladies and Gentlemen, my new cunt Puppycunt!
Maledom Empire
I'm A Piggy With A Pussy As Pink As Miss Piggy
New Cunt's Living Quarters
My Sis Visits The Empire, Part I
She Won't Use That Shirt Again (X-Post /R/Stripgifs)
I'm Going To Be Busy Tonight, Brought Home A New Slave.
A Nice Day In The Sun For A Cunt
Another Cunt From My Collection: Cutie
Clip. Pull. Scream. Repeat.
She Peed Herself Because She Was Too Scared When We First Put Her In Her Small Cunt Cage
This Can't Be Happening To Me...
Im Training This One For The Local Auction.
She Failed Employee Evaluations, But Wanted To Get Back In Good Graces. She Handed Over Her Freedom Card Soon After, To My Surprised Delight.