FemdomMatriarchy : I Would Never Miss A Good Costume Party, Happy Halloween!
I would never miss a good costume party, happy halloween!
Femdom Matriarchy
original: https://reddit.com/r/FemdomMatriarchy/comments/79wgv8/i_would_never_miss_a_good_costume_party_happy/
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Unto The Wilderness I Return
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Justgoddessthings: Sitting Out By The Pool With Your Close Friends And A Pig
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Electro Shock Punishment On Goddess Minors Is No Longer Considered Abusive And Illegal.
I Personally Think The Pigs Can Be Cute Sometimes
Pigs Who Worship Properly Get Punished Just A Little Less
/U/Ebony_Temptress Testing To See How Much Cock I Can Take
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The Governess Of Hera Just Volunteered Herself To Become My Goddess Minor. I Now Rule Hera, And Control The Pig Market.