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ConfusedBoners : I Have Been Trying To Find A Subreddit For This... I Think This Is Where She Belongs.

I have been trying to find a subreddit for this... I think this is where she belongs.


I have the weirdest boner...


I Think He Looks Surprised Because He Liked It

I Think He Looks Surprised Because He Liked It

Pogo-Penis Jack? Still Utterly Unsure What Plot To This All Is About.

Pogo-Penis Jack? Still Utterly Unsure What Plot To This All Is About.

African Tribeswomen And Wester Journal Compare Breasts. (X-Post /R/Happy)

African Tribeswomen And Wester Journal Compare Breasts. (X-Post /R/Happy)

Scrolling Through Facebook....then It Got Really Confused.

Scrolling Through Facebook....then It Got Really Confused.

Googly Butt

Googly Butt

I'm Out Of My Element.....

I'm Out Of My Element.....

Maintain Eye Contact, Establish Dominance [X-Post From /R/Gifs]

Maintain Eye Contact, Establish Dominance [X-Post From /R/Gifs]

Sexy-Ass Panda (X-Post Nsfwfunny)

Sexy-Ass Panda (X-Post Nsfwfunny)

The Robot Doesn't Seem Confused [Xpost R/Wtf]

The Robot Doesn't Seem Confused [Xpost R/Wtf]

Sexy Chameleon

Sexy Chameleon

She Said She Liked To Be Drawn On

She Said She Liked To Be Drawn On

Broken Breast Implant (X-Post From /R/Wtf)

Broken Breast Implant (X-Post From /R/Wtf)