ComicPlot : I Have Red Tea. Strong Like A Vagina [Clean Room #4]
I have red tea. Strong like a vagina [Clean Room #4]
Comic Plot
Hey! I Was About To Show Her My Disco Balls! [Deadpool V3 #2]
Constantine Considers The Arcane Chemistry Of Sex [Hellblazer #6]
Black Canary, Huntress, And Batwoman [Injustice Year Two #14]
Fire And Ice [Booster Gold #9]
Emma Frost Plot Is Off The Chains In [New X-Men #119]
Kitty Pryde's Backplot In [Astonishing X-Men #21]
Supergirl Says Goodbye To Supergirl [Supergirl #80]
Supergirls And Superman (Supergirl #79)
[Street Fighter Legends - Cammy #3] Was The Plotiest Issue Of The Mini-Serie
Dove, Wonder Girl (Donna Troy), And Starfire [Blackest Night Titans #3]
Plotiest Covers In [Van Helsing Cover Gallery]
Costume Change [The Ravening]