MH34u : Slime Chest [Brachydios]
Slime Chest [Brachydios]
So Tasty!
Graceful Tempest [Amatsumagatsuchi]
[Tigrex] Not So Brutal.
Bubbly [Mizutsune, Lagiacrus]
Molten Twins! [Agnaktor]
After A Long Hunt [Hunter]
Baby, It's Cold Outside [Hunter]
[Kulve Taroth] By Silver-Spirit666
Come Hither~ [Lunastra]
Cute Rubber Chicken [Gypceros]
So... Apparently /U/Shamelesspornacct And I Have Some Sort Of Rivalry... Time To Fly Past The Competition With [Barufaruku]
Charged Up. And Bored. [Stygian Zinogre]
She's Hungry For You~ [Deviljho]