MH34u : Can't Think Of A Kirin Pun Either [Hunter]
Can't think of a Kirin pun either [Hunter]
So Tasty!
Various Monsters (Anthro; X-Post /R/Monsterhunter)
Not A Hunter! [Najarala]
Cooling Off [Hunter]
[Plesioth] With A Wet Top
Who Here An Tor? [Akantor!]
Unfinished Armor [Hunter]
Wardrobe Malfunction [Seregios]
[Lagombi] The Cold Shoulder
[Hunter] Why I Always Wore Wroggi.
Praise The Sun [Teostra]
Feeding Your Kinsect? [Hunter] [Kinsect]
The... Double Softness?! [Nekojo] [Felyne Cook?]