GayPokePorn : Lucario (Braeburned)
Lucario (Braeburned)
Gay. Pokémon. Porn.
Lucario Gets Bone Rushed By Zoroark [Aoinu]
Krookodile Looking A Little Shy [Jetshark]
[Mm] Giant Lucario Schlong [Pcred566]
An Electrifying Experience. [Vandalistpikachu]
Riolu Geyser [Superkawas]
Sylveon And Vaporeon Romance [Ibee]
Noivern And Zoroark Show This Hybrid-Mon A Nice Time [The_Secret_Cave]
A Nice Little Gay Poké Pile [Felino]
Messy Mewtwo [Spelunker Sal]
Shiny Umbreon Butt [Furukara]
Worked This Pup Over (Enjoipandas) (X-Post /R/Yiff)
Machamp Pounds Zangoose [Tamanosuke]