penismeasured : Hard Cock, Barely Made It
Hard cock, barely made it
Measure Your Penis!
6,1 Inch Penis. I Think It Is Too Small, What Do You Think?
Is Your Soft One Bigger? [4.25”]
Comments Welcome (6X4.25)
Not The Easiest Pics To Take [20.5Cm X 14Cm] Bp
The Measure Of A Man [6&Amp;Quot; X 5.5&Amp;Quot;]
Meh [~6 Inches Bone Pressed]
[6X5] Am I Doing This Right? Because If I Am, I'm Very Happy.
Solid [7&Amp;Quot;]
My Flaccid Cock [7 Inches]....Is That Good? Pms Encouraged!!
Before I Gained Weight I Was A Solid 7&Amp;Quot;, Now This Is Me Pushing &Amp;Quot;To The Bone&Amp;Quot;
First Time I've Done The Toilet Paper Test
Almost 7