penismeasured : Doing Chores And Using My Measuring Tape
Doing chores and using my measuring tape
Measure Your Penis!
Want A Second Opinion On If I Measured Correctly. I've Always Felt Small. [6.75 Inches]
Length Girth And Width Measurements
Tp Roll Test, Does My Penis Pass? (5.5&Amp;Quot;/14Cm Long) (X-Post From R/Sizecomparison)
5.5&Amp;Quot; Is That Big??
How About This?
7Nbp Stretched. (7.75Bp)
Am I Small?
5.5 Inches, Average Or...?
How Much Can I Claim...?
3&Amp;Quot; Soft
Measured For Fun
7.5&Amp;Quot;X6.6&Amp;Quot; Bp, And About 7&Amp;Quot; Nbp , Kept Losing Erection While Taking Length Photo