ondww : I'll Do The Ones Up High, If You Get The Ones Down Low.
I'll do the ones up high, if you get the ones down low.
Oh No, Dad Went Wild!
original: https://reddit.com/r/ondww/comments/a6a6p2/ill_do_the_ones_up_high_if_you_get_the_ones_down/
Mondays Suck. Wanna Stay In A Little Longer?
Dropping The Soap In My Shower Is Highly Encouraged! (Gif In Comments)
[M40] Lazy Sunday Morning
(40) Come Tell Daddy About Your Day.
Recently Been Verified, Decided To Introduce Myself With A Quick After Hours Strip.
There's My Butt. It's Over There. My Butt Is. It's That Way. Yep, Directions To My Butt.
I Had You On My Mind First Thing This Morning
I Hope You Moms Have An Amazing Mother's Day And Experience Alot Of Growing.......in Your Hearts Today
Smooth Yet Rough
Think We Could Find A Way To Get Into Trouble Before The Weekend Is Over?
[Copy A Pose] I Took This Pic Like I Meant It!