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daddybears : Another (Pm Ok)

Another (PM ok)

Daddy Bears


When I Notice My Dad's Erection. (Shamelessly Stolen From Shittyreactiongifs)

When I Notice My Dad's Erection. (Shamelessly Stolen From Shittyreactiongifs)

What Does His Shirt Say?

What Does His Shirt Say?

X-Post From R/Pics What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

X-Post From R/Pics What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Baby Jayne

Baby Jayne

Toe Day 2 Actually Feeling Better

Toe Day 2 Actually Feeling Better



Sunday Softie

Sunday Softie

Here's Another Who Is This?

Here's Another Who Is This?

Rosie The Riveter Daddies At Decadence.

Rosie The Riveter Daddies At Decadence.

Alone Tonight

Alone Tonight

Day Off

Day Off

Hoping You Have A Good Weekend (Album In Comments)

Hoping You Have A Good Weekend (Album In Comments)