Pecs : Leo Stuke @Lexnhard
Leo Stuke @lexnhard
Choice Chests
Ray Santiesteban
Miles Aiken (Aka Pierre From Eastboys) Getting Oiled Up
Model And Former Army Captain, Kyle Clarke (@Kyleclarke)
Jon Brownell Looking Cute (Xpost From /R/Basketballshorts)
André Merzdorf, Phillip Zwoll, And Viktor Dryndak
Mahmoud Al Durrah
Thomas Keal (@Thomas_Keal)
Pedro Augusto (@Pedrao_Gyn) In A Leather Harness
Roger Snipes' Perfect Pecs
Chase Savoie (@Chasesavoie) Photographed By Allan Spiers
Michael Thurston (@Mikethurston)
Max Chevalier Strokes Himself