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theratio : Katie Marie Cork

Katie Marie Cork



Those Hips...

Those Hips...

Julie Newmar As Catwoman

Julie Newmar As Catwoman

My Girlfriend Was Napping On The Beach...

My Girlfriend Was Napping On The Beach...



God Damn

God Damn

Carmella Rose (X-Post From /R/Carmellarose

Carmella Rose (X-Post From /R/Carmellarose

Catwoman - Julie Newmar

Catwoman - Julie Newmar

Katarina Olendzskaia - The Ratio Goddess [Mic]

Katarina Olendzskaia - The Ratio Goddess [Mic]

Little Landing Strip

Little Landing Strip

Gorgeous Latina Owns It On /R/Theratio

Gorgeous Latina Owns It On /R/Theratio

The Hip Are Strong With This One

The Hip Are Strong With This One

Gotta Work On That Hip Muscle Strength - By Jenny Poussin

Gotta Work On That Hip Muscle Strength - By Jenny Poussin