gaybears : Tattooed And Beefy
Tattooed and beefy
Ggg Meme
Daddy Bear's Bone
Hello, Bears. Here's A Selfie I Took About A Week Ago. Feel Free To Say Hey.
Hello Guys. Throwaway Account Because Well... Reasons. I Like To Label Myself As A Cub.
Happy Pride From A Small City!
Vacation Selfie? Vacation Selfie.
We Met Thanks To Reddit!! Seattlewasariot Is Here Visiting!
Please God Don't Shave Anything Else!
Just Thought I Would Introduce Myself After Lurking For So Long. Hey Gaybears!
I Don't Like My Cheeks When I Smile But I Just Dropped 30Lbs And Got The Iphone 7+ So Here You Go.
Drunk As A Skunk.. Just Saying 'Hi'