gaybears : Woof!
Please God Don't Shave Anything Else!
Just Thought I Would Introduce Myself After Lurking For So Long. Hey Gaybears!
I Don't Like My Cheeks When I Smile But I Just Dropped 30Lbs And Got The Iphone 7+ So Here You Go.
Drunk As A Skunk.. Just Saying 'Hi'
Found This Old Video, Thought I'd Share
I'm So Sore D:
Hiya Guys, First Post Here. Ima Proud Cub
Freshly Groomed
Hey Guys. Anyone Like To Wrestle?
Haven't Posted Here In While. Here's Something From Last Summer. :)
Look How This Guy Has Grown!
Leaner And Meaner Business Bear After Loosing 78Lbs... Hope I'm Still Cuddly Tho!