gonewanton : Just Take A Peek...[Lady]
Just take a peek...[lady]
Gone Wanton
original: https://reddit.com/r/gonewanton/comments/yas47/just_take_a_peeklady/
French Postcard
In Tatters
The Lady Sat Still A [F]Ew Minutes And I Captured This Daguerreotype; We Beg Your Indulgence
A Lustful Embrace
Gentlemen May Telephone To Converse With Miss Reede Fox
A Wax Cylinder Would Have Been More Sexy.
Testing The [F]Eel Of My Veil
I've Neglected My Virtue In The Oven Too Long And Now It's Ruined. I Could Get Some Sluttiness Out Of The Pantry If You'd [L]Ike To Partake.
The Expressive Marmein Dancers
Pear[L]S From A Gentleman Caller
Great As..p. (Xpost From R/1920S)
Dorothy Mackaill From &Amp;Quot;Safe In Hell&Amp;Quot;