MaledomEmpire : My Children Destroyed My Body :( Pity Fuck?
My children destroyed my body :( pity fuck?
Maledom Empire
I Should Be Ashamed At How Many Humans Have Seen My Cunt And Butthole... But I'm Not
Diana Was Arrested In Her Hideout, Maledom Police Have Been Tracking Her For A Month, The Arrest Is Broadcasted On Live Tv
Fire Sale, Discounts, And Clearance All Over Girliemart And Slutmart Stores. Celebrating 2K Subs And Selling These Adorable Tamed And Untamed Animals
The Next Lesson Is To Always Clean Up Your Mess
My Flat-As-A-Board Boobies
I'm A Piece Of Shit Whore, And Proud Of It!
Two Petgirls Trying To Earn My Approval And Love, Females Can't Resist Sucking A Man's Dick
Spreading The Love! Aka My Ass Cheeks
Sarah Loves To Reminisce About First Coming To The Empire, So As A Symbolic Gesture, I Let Her Spend The Day In Chains.
Ire Operates A Simple, Integrated, System Of Reward And Punishment To Encourage Our Students.
Uses For Spare Slaves
Sarah Performed Well Last Night, So I Turned Up The Vacuum During Her Morning Milking.