MaledomEmpire : My Flat-As-A-Board Boobies
My flat-as-a-board boobies
Maledom Empire
I'm A Piece Of Shit Whore, And Proud Of It!
Two Petgirls Trying To Earn My Approval And Love, Females Can't Resist Sucking A Man's Dick
Spreading The Love! Aka My Ass Cheeks
Sarah Loves To Reminisce About First Coming To The Empire, So As A Symbolic Gesture, I Let Her Spend The Day In Chains.
Ire Operates A Simple, Integrated, System Of Reward And Punishment To Encourage Our Students.
Uses For Spare Slaves
Sarah Performed Well Last Night, So I Turned Up The Vacuum During Her Morning Milking.
Babysitter Interviews In The Empire Are A Lot More Fun Now.
Taking Your Pets For A Daily Walk Sometimes Requires You To Provide Them With The Right Motivation.
You Know A Cunt Is Trained When She's Mastered Public Humiliation
This Cutie Is Enjoying Herself
Chores (X-Post From /R/Maledomcaptions)