WhyWouldYouFuckThat : Guess She Is Locked, Cocked, And Ready To Rock
Guess she is locked, cocked, and ready to rock
Why Would You Fuck That?
original: https://reddit.com/r/WhyWouldYouFuckThat/comments/2giutl/guess_she_is_locked_cocked_and_ready_to_rock/
Posted On Insertions Too, I've Heard Of Guys Sticking It In A Vacuum Cleaner Before, But A Girl Sticking A Vacuum Cleaner In Her Is A New One On Me
Who Ya Gonna Call?
Gumby Dives In
Messy Ice Cream Cone [Xpost From /R/Coldporn]
A Greasy Tool (A Wrench Of Some Sort, I'm No Mechanic)
A Chair.... [Xpost From /R/Wtf]
She'll Feed You And Fuck You.
Getting A Cap In The Ass
A Well Insured Vagina.
That's Not How You Shave...
I Wonder If It's Loaded...