WhyWouldYouFuckThat : Formicophilia [Xpost From /R/Wtf]
Formicophilia [Xpost from /r/wtf]
Why Would You Fuck That?
original: https://reddit.com/r/WhyWouldYouFuckThat/comments/1kzh00/formicophilia_xpost_from_rwtf/
I Wonder If This Counts As Bad Luck, It's Not Indoors But It's In Her.
One To Drink, One To Fuck.
Hold Still While I Brush My Teeth...
That's Not How You Sit On Them...
Nothing Like A Little Mini Putt [Xpost From Askreddit Comment]
A Glass Of Beer.
I Wonder If She Ate It Afterwards?
Hedge Clippers.
A Can Of.. Tomato Sauce?
Is It Just Me Or Does That Doll Look A Little Shell Shocked?
Some Very Fine Wood, But With A Condom, Safe Sex Is Important.
Peanut Butter...