WhyWouldYouFuckThat : A Massive Traffic Cone. Impressive, Fearless, Inspiring.
A massive traffic cone. Impressive, fearless, inspiring.
Why Would You Fuck That?
original: https://reddit.com/r/WhyWouldYouFuckThat/comments/11yxgw/a_massive_traffic_cone_impressive_fearless/
Yet Another Whisk. These Are Getting Almost As Common As Bottles, Cucumbers And Bananas....
Pepper Or Orange? Which Is Better? My Vote Is For Pepper.
A Cow [Xpost From /R/Wtf]
Deciding Between Cans And Bottles Can Be Hard For Some, This Inspiring Woman Said Fuck That And Took Them Both!
I Loved The Original Nintendo, But Not This Much. (Xpost From /R/Wtf)
A Toothbrush, A Razor And Possibly An Electric Razor Handle.
A Woman In A Plastic Bubble, Or A Clown For That Matter. [Xpost From /R/Wtf]
Is It Cunt Punting If Both Women Are Lying Down? [Album]
A Tiny Doll. [Xpost From /R/Wtf]
What A Great Cup Holder....
It's Summer, And You Know What That Means, Flip Flops.