WhyWouldYouFuckThat : Assparagus
Why Would You Fuck That?
original: https://reddit.com/r/WhyWouldYouFuckThat/comments/ujz08/assparagus/
A Car's Exhaust. It's Not Even A Good Looking Car.
A Stuffed Horse? Why Not.
Why Is The Batter Running Away? It's His Turn To Hit!
Pencils, Ouch, Don't Sit Down.
A Nice Ass Kicking.
That's One Way To Make Sure You Don't Lose It I Guess.
That's Just Corny.
A Baseball Bat In A Bbw, Say That 5 Times Fast!
Come On Barbie, Let's Go Party!
Hairbrush- Supposedly Passed Out Woman.
Whatchoo Know About Inga?
Man Fucking A Tiny Goat.