GWNerdy : Furi Kuri
Furi Kuri
Sexy Nerd Central
[F] Pikachu, I Choose You!
That's No Moon... [F]
Who Wants To Play With My Pokeballs? [F]
Holy Comeback Batman! Nerdi[F]Y Me!
Holy Boobies, Batman! (F)
I Got A Little Antsy Waiting {F}Or The Fallout 4 Midnight Release.... And Then Got Distracted Playing It... Better Late Boobs Than No Boobs!!!!
Are You The Riddler? Because I Can Imagine You Destroying My Batcave
[F] You Can't Go Wrong With Hyperion! Nerdification Pretty Please. :)
Elder-God Approved! [F]
Just Waiting For It ;)
[F] I'm Told They're Marvelous, But Maybe Someone Was Just Being Comical. (First Post Here!)
You'll Never Guess My Secret Identity (As Promised) [F]