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GWNerdy : Gw Keeps Telling Me To Come Here! What Gave It Away? The Mushroom Kingdom Mural Or The D20 Necklace? ;) [F, 20]

GW keeps telling me to come here! What gave it away? The Mushroom Kingdom mural or the D20 necklace? ;) [F, 20]


Sexy Nerd Central


That Embarrassing Moment When You Skip Reading The Rules And Get In Trouble [F]Or Showing Too Much... Sorry Guys :(

That Embarrassing Moment When You Skip Reading The Rules And Get In Trouble [F]Or ...

New And Improved Bat Signal [F]

New And Improved Bat Signal [F]

Nintendo, Guitar Hero, Or Ps3? Take Your Pick! (F)

Nintendo, Guitar Hero, Or Ps3? Take Your Pick! (F)

Ghost And I Are So Ready [F]Or A New Season Of Got.

Ghost And I Are So Ready [F]Or A New Season Of Got.

Celebrated The Sw: The Force Awakens Trailer Today With My Falcon :3

Celebrated The Sw: The Force Awakens Trailer Today With My Falcon :3

The Only Way To Play Battle[F]Ront

The Only Way To Play Battle[F]Ront

This Is How I Saw Best To Summarize The Internet Right Now (F)

This Is How I Saw Best To Summarize The Internet Right Now (F)

Hope You Like My Socks :)

Hope You Like My Socks :)

How Many Spidey T Shirts Do I Own...

How Many Spidey T Shirts Do I Own...

Any Players Here? I [F]Ound A Handbook And I Think It's Yours.

Any Players Here? I [F]Ound A Handbook And I Think It's Yours.

Spoiler Alert: I'm A Cylon. [F]

Spoiler Alert: I'm A Cylon. [F]

You [F]Olks Really Like Star Wars (X-Post Gw+)

You [F]Olks Really Like Star Wars (X-Post Gw+)