GWNerdy : There's Aren't The Droids You're Looking For
There's aren't the droids you're looking for
Sexy Nerd Central
[F] Will You Be My Handsome Jack? :)
When My Boy[F]Riend And I Play Magic, I Do Whatever I Can To Distract Him.
So I've This... {F}
Arcades Can Be Nerdy [F]Un... Right?
I Was Always A Bookworm At School...not So Much A Show Off...oh How Times Change! [F]
I Choose You! Gwnerdy! {F}
Queen O[F] Hearts
Baggy, Nerdy T-Shirt By Day; Wild By Night! [F]
I'll Be Your Batgirl ;) [Xpost From R/Gonewild]
What Would My Superpower Be?
Batman Love [Xpost From Gonewildcurvy]
May I Sit On Your [F]Ace While I Play Ocarina Of Time On My N64?