badparents : She Has A Handle On Everything Except Parenting.
She has a handle on everything except parenting.
Bad parenting for all!
Teachin My Daughter How To Twerk
Seems Like A Good Fit
X-Post From R/Photoplunder
Do You Think They're Seat-Belted In?
I Found This On R/Wtf
We're Gonna Send This One To Cps! (X-Post From /R/Nsfw_Wtf)
Mom Lights Toddler's Cigarette (X-Post From /R/Wtf)
Great Parenting (X-Post From /R/Trashy)
Mommy Is Just Taking A Selfie. [X-Post R/Cringepics]
I Love Eating Pussy (X-Post /R/Trashy)
No Regrets...
I Think This Qualifies As A Bad Parent?