Fapucational : To Save Her Marriage, &Quot;Elise&Quot; Tried Giving Her Husband Fellatio Once Every 2 Days For Two Months. She Claims It Cemented Their Relationship [Http://Www.elle.fr/Love-Sexe/Sexualite/Dossiers/La-Fellation-Le-Ciment-Du-Couple-2120880 (In French)]
To save her marriage, "Elise" tried giving her husband fellatio once every 2 days for two months. She claims it cemented their relationship [http://www.elle.fr/Love-Sexe/Sexualite/Dossiers/La-fellation-le-ciment-du-couple-2120880 (in French)]
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original: https://reddit.com/r/Fapucational/comments/1yfov0/to_save_her_marriage_elise_tried_giving_her/