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ConfusedBoners : The Ventriloquist (X- Post R/Wtf) (Nsfw)

The Ventriloquist (x- post r/wtf) (NSFW)


I have the weirdest boner...


Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

Tail Waggle

Tail Waggle

Gillian Anderson With A Conger Eel

Gillian Anderson With A Conger Eel

Gordon Freeman's Crowbar

Gordon Freeman's Crowbar



Natural Seduction

Natural Seduction

Giving A Shark Job

Giving A Shark Job

I Have Been Trying To Find A Subreddit For This... I Think This Is Where She Belongs.

I Have Been Trying To Find A Subreddit For This... I Think This Is Where She Belongs.

I Think He Looks Surprised Because He Liked It

I Think He Looks Surprised Because He Liked It

Pogo-Penis Jack? Still Utterly Unsure What Plot To This All Is About.

Pogo-Penis Jack? Still Utterly Unsure What Plot To This All Is About.

African Tribeswomen And Wester Journal Compare Breasts. (X-Post /R/Happy)

African Tribeswomen And Wester Journal Compare Breasts. (X-Post /R/Happy)

Scrolling Through Facebook....then It Got Really Confused.

Scrolling Through Facebook....then It Got Really Confused.